
Nethack, one day at a time.

Turn 428 - December 09, 2014
│You see here a purple-red potion.                                               │
│                                                                                │
│                                                                                │
│                      ------------                                              │
│                      |..........|        --------------                        │
│                      |.>a staircase down....^a trap (magic trap)...|       #|............|                        │
│                      |..........+a spellbook or a closed door (closed door)########|...........<a staircase up|                        │
│                      ---------|--       #---------|----                        │
│                               ######    ############                           │
│                                    #    #       #  #                           │
│                                    ###         ##  ###                         │
│                                      #               #  ##########             │
│                                      ##              ###    -----.-+a spellbook or a closed door (closed door)-          │
│                             ----------.-               #    |.......|          │
│                             |..........|               ###  |.......|          │
│                             |..........|               #####-....`a boulder or statue (statue of a jackal)..|          │
│ ----------                  |.....>a staircase down....|#                ###|.......|          │
│ |%a piece of food (fortune cookie)%a piece of food (cream pie)%a piece of food (cram ration)..%a piece of food (food ration)..|                  |...........#                   |.......|          │
│ |da dog or other canine (tame little dog called Lulu, leashed to you)%a piece of food (food rations)(a useful item (pick-axe, key, lamp...) (ice box)%a piece of food (food ration)!a potion (purple-red potion)!a potion (potion)%a piece of food (food rations)@a human or elf (peaceful Tjiwidej)-###               |..........|#                   ---------          │
│ |@a human or elf (human tourist called Cody)%a piece of food (food ration)%a piece of food (carrot)%a piece of food (pancake)!a potion (potion).%a piece of food (food ration).| #                ------------#                                      │
│ ---------- ##############################                                      │
│                                                                                │
│Cody the Rambler            St:16 Dx:10 Co:16 In:11 Wi:8 Ch:15  Neutral         │
│Dlvl:2  $:393 HP:18(18) Pw:8(8) AC:6  Xp:2/20 T:428 Satiated [I] Weapons
 a - 28 +2 darts (in quiver)
 o - a pole sickle (weapon in hands)
 t - 11 runed arrows
 l - an uncursed +0 Hawaiian shirt (being worn)
 p - a +0 slippery cloak (being worn)
 w - a +0 studded leather armor (being worn)
 b - 3 uncursed food rations
 c - 2 uncursed fortune cookies
 d - an uncursed tin of newt meat
 e - an uncursed pancake
 f - an uncursed slime mold
 h - an uncursed egg
 i - an uncursed tripe ration
 q - a slime mold
 v - a lichen corpse
 x - a tripe ration (unpaid, 20 zorkmids)
 k - 4 uncursed scrolls of magic mapping
 r - a wrinkled spellbook
 s - a glittering spellbook
 j - 1 uncursed potion of extra healing
 g - a brass ring
 m - an expensive camera (0:31)
 n - an uncursed credit card
 u - a leash (in use)
Commands Issued:
  1. j - move down
Breathing evenly, Cody turned. The shopkeeper had now wandered over in front of the door, still engrossed in his ledger. Cody licked his lips, then stepped over to a potion on the floor near the wall. The move brought him closer to the door, while making it appear that he was merely continuing to look at the merchandise. Or so he hoped.
An ice box will not do anything to make food fresher, so items that are already spoiled or are on the verge of spoiling when placed in an icebox will be in exactly the same state when removed.